October 18, 2024
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I'm Ella, copywriter, consultant and founder of Epiphany Copy.
On the you'll copywriting expertise, business insights and guest expert advice to empower you to elevate your voice and impact.
Welcome to Ella's Epiphanies
Without stating the obvious, epiphanies are a pretty big thing around here.
They’re the reason I named my business ‘Epiphany Copy’ and my blog ‘Ella’s Epiphanies’ (if you’re new around here, I’m Ella! The founder of Epiphany Copy who lives off tea and thrives on helping purpose-driven service providers amplify their voice and impact using copy).
When I say that epiphanies and copy have got my business to where it is today, I’m not just saying that for dramatic effect (even though if you ask my family they’ll say I tend to lean towards the dramatic).
Epiphanies and copy led me to start my business, pivot and get to where I am today.
This is why I’m now a big believer that if you can learn how to utilise epiphanies and copy in your business as a strategy, your business will change for the better.
But let’s start at the beginning…
An epiphany is a moment of sudden realisation when everything just clicks.
It’s an ‘aha’ moment.
As any business owner has probably experienced, when you first start a business, you’re going to have constant epiphanies.
Epiphanies about how to run your business, what services you want to offer, the type of clients that are the best fit for you and your business…the list of epiphanies is long.
When it comes to my business, there are two very significant epiphanies I had that genuinely changed the trajectory of my life and business.
The first was the epiphany that I wanted to work for myself and start my own business. This was a slower epiphany as it had always been in the back of my mind. Since I’ve been surrounded by business owners in my family my whole life, this probably isn’t surprising (and I’m a Capricorn so…).
I guess the sudden moment of realisation came when I realised I didn’t want to spend one more minute working a 9-5 or working for someone else when I could be working for myself.
This led me to do the most spontaneous thing I think I’ve ever done which was quit my nine-to-five job, abandon my plans to do a masters degree in journalism and instead, start my business.
At the time, the only thing I was clear about was the fact that I wanted to start a business and I wanted it to be online…so I became a virtual assistant.
2 months later, another epiphany slapped me in the face.
Being a virtual assistant was not my dream job. But there were aspects of being a virtual assistant that I loved and was continually told I was good at (and looking back this made perfect sense).
This is when I realised I was meant to be a copywriter.
So I went from being ‘Virtually Ella’ to ‘Epiphany Copy’.
The second this happened it was like everything clicked into place and suddenly I was offering services that I love to provide and I signed enough clients to get my business off the ground and for it to continue to grow.
Naturally, as a copywriter, I’ve not only experienced the power of copy, that’s strategically and carefully crafted, can have on your business first-hand, but also through the results I have helped my clients achieve from my copywriting services.
Whether that’s been $45k launches, doubling their email list size, signing aligned clients or feeling more confident in their voice, mission and business (all real results!).
The reason copy is such a powerful business tool is that a final piece of copy is a combination of so many things.
Copy is the result of establishing a strategy, incorporating psychology, mastering your messaging and understanding your audience.
Copy is a vessel for all of these things.
When I first named my business Epiphany Copy, I’ll be honest, it was because of two things.
Firstly, it was a series of epiphanies that led me to start my business and secondly, I loved the word ‘epiphany’ and the fact that it worked well as alliteration with my name.
However, it didn’t take me long to realise that I had named my business perfectly for a completely different reason…
The best type of copy (the type of copy that inspires action in your audience, makes sales and allows you to grow your business) is copy that’s written to cause epiphanies.
Successful copy ignites that sudden moment of realisation in your audience that YOU and your business/services are the things they are missing.
If you can cause epiphanies through your copy, you’re doing it right.
Because the thing about an epiphany is once you have one, they are very hard to ignore.
So if you’re ready to learn how to cause those all-important client-converting epiphanies by utilising copy, you’re in the right place.
You can read the rest of my blogs here to start learning how to cause epiphanies using your copy!
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