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I'm Ella, copywriter, consultant and founder of Epiphany Copy.
On the you'll copywriting expertise, business insights and guest expert advice to empower you to elevate your voice and impact.
Welcome to Ella's Epiphanies
I remember first writing blogs when I was in high school.
This was around the time when blogging and YouTube had just become a thing (Zoella was about to take off) and in my mind, I was totally, one day, going to start a blog and become the next big blogger.
Although I was writing them, I never actually posted them anywhere…which was definitely for the best because I have no memory of what they were about but I’m pretty happy they aren’t on the internet.
This is why I find it quite funny that my whole business now is based around purposefully writing things like blogs for my clients. It’s like the younger me was foreshadowing my future career!
Thankfully, my writing skills have drastically improved since my early high school days (thank you psychology degree, previous jobs in marketing and years of business experience).
I’ll be honest, though. The second I started my business, the younger Ella in me got excited because I realised it meant that I’d have a very legitimate reason to start a blog.
But as every service provider knows, prioritising your own content when you spend most of your time and energy serving your clients isn’t easy. That’s literally why my retainer services are so popular!
So creating this dream business blog of mine got pushed down my list and since I didn’t have a website, a blog wasn’t an option anyway.
But now…I have a brand new website and I’m starting my blog (young me and adult me are both doing an excited little happy dance right now).
So allow me to introduce….Ella’s Epiphanies.
The blog full of copywriting expertise, business insights and guest expert advice to empower you to elevate your voice and impact.
If you’ve followed me on Instagram for any amount of time, you’ll know I’m BIG on connection and building a community.
So it will come as no surprise that connection is the driving force behind this blog!
I want it to be a space where we can all learn, discuss and connect!
A community where purpose-driven service providers can learn from me as well as other marketing experts so they can elevate their business and improve their copywriting skills.
Here’s how it’s going to work…
My vision for this blog is for there to be 3 different categories of blogs that I’ll be calling epiphanies!
(It feels right since it epiphanies started this business!)
These blogs will be all about (you guessed it) copywriting!
I’ll be sharing my copywriting expertise, secrets and tips so you can learn more about how to utilise copy in your business to help you reach your goals.
From evergreen copy to launch copy and content, I’ll share my insights on it all!
I’ve learnt a lot since starting my business and I want these blogs to be a place where I can share all of these lessons!
Being able to share what I’ve learnt, talk about my experiences as a business owner and discuss my thoughts about the industry will hopefully not only be useful but a reminder that we’re all just doing our best and often, figuring things out as we go.
Remember how I said I was all about connection and community?
I’ve been lucky enough to connect with some incredible people over the last few years who are not only lovely but talented experts in their fields.
So I’ll be asking some of these amazing people to come and share their knowledge in the form of guest blogs and interviews so you can learn from them in the same way I have!
I can’t wait to fulfil little Ella’s dreams of having her own blog and I’m so grateful to my business for giving me the opportunity to finally create my own.
If you want to make sure that you never miss out on a blog update, join my email list to be notified whenever I share a new blog and to get extra copywriting tips, insight and epiphanies!
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